In December 2011 we opened the first public CNG filling station (compressed natural gas) with which Energetika Ljubljana is expanding its activity to the supply of fuel for motor vehicles.
Through the construction of the CNG filling stations we have fulfilled one of the European Union’s environmental requirements aimed at reducing emissions of solid particles in the air. Traffic and its impacts generate 40% all solid particles in the atmosphere which are harmful to health and thus legally regulated. A higher concentration of such particles is characteristic of urban centres. Therefore, the use of natural gas as a fuel reduces emissions of solid particles in the atmosphere.
Location: Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 1, Ljubljana
- the filling station operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- easy access for all types of vehicles
- self-service
- possibility to pay with payment cards
- security at the filling station is ensured with 24-hour surveillance
CNG filling station, Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 1, Ljubljana

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