Energy in a heartbeat
Energetika Ljubljana is a company for the comprehensive provision of energy, with which it realizes its vision of a stable and environmentally responsible energy company. It manages two infrastructure systems for the remote energy supply, namely the district heating system and the gas supply system. Distribution of natural gas in Ljubljana began in 1861, when the first gas lanterns were lit on the streets. Today, the network is one of the largest, most developed and most diverse systems for the district energy supply in this part of Europe.
[tweet content="The district heating system supplies 64,000 households."][/tweet]
The district heating system, i.e. the hot water distribution system is one of the most environmentally friendly energy supply systems in existence, is located mainly in central Ljubljana and supplies 57,000 households.
[tweet content="The natural gas network supplies 64,000 households."][/tweet]
The natural gas network expands to the edge of the city and into a few neighboring municipalities. As many as 64,000 apartments utilize natural gas for heating, washing and bathing, as well as cooking.
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