Environmentally friendly vehicles

Compressed natural gas or methane

We use methane or compressed natural gas (CNG) as fuel in vehicles instead of petrol or gas oil. Vehicles running on methane are environmentally friendly, since they produce less harmful emissions, do not form solid particles and cause less noise. Costs and fuel consumption are lower, the engine and catalytic converter have a longer lifespan.


Why is it good to drive a natural gas vehicle?

  • Natural gas is eco-friendly and the cleanest fossil fuel,
  • it has a high octane number (125), which allows for greater compression, and thus more efficient combustion, lower fuel consumption and lower emissions of harmful gases,
  • it generates considerably less emissions of CO2, CO and hydrocarbons,
  • emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and PM10 solid particles are practically non-existent,
  • the engine and catalytic converter have a longer lifespan,
  • the car exhaust is odourless, the main product of combustion is water vapour,
  • the engine is quieter.


Natural gas is cheaper

Considering the ratio between the price and energy value, methane is considerably cheaper than other fuels. In other words, a methane-powered car will get you further for the same amount of money. For €10, you can drive:


In Europe, more than 2 million vehicles already run on natural gas

The technology in modern methane-fuelled vehicles produces considerably less harmful emissions and reduces fuel consumption. In Europe, more than 2 million vehicles already run on natural gas, which is about 0.5 percent of all vehicles. The objective of the European Union is to increase this proportion to 5 percent by 2020.


Public filling stations in Ljubljana

In addition to the two methane filling stations in Ljubljana, there is also one filling station in Maribor and one in Jesenice. The public filling stations in Ljubljana are located at Cesta Ljubljanske Brigade 1 and P+R Dolgi Most. Both are accessible 24/7. The public filling station:

  • allows easy access to personal vehicles, goods vehicles and buses,
    provides a simple and quick way for self-service filling,
  • accepts cashless payments by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, BA, Karanta),
  • is monitored 24/7,
  • fills fast (Fast-Fill system) taking only a few minutes,
  • allows for several vehicles to be filled at the same time,
  • is easy to use.


Growing tourism contributes greatly to the increased use of filling stations, which is why Energetika Ljubljana is already planning to set up additional stations. 


First mobile LNG station in Slovenija is stationed in Ljubljana

Energetika Ljubljana, ENOS d.d. and HAM Group from Spain opened the first LNG refuelling station in Slovenia in November 2017. The station is located in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana, at the intersection of two European arterial roads. The project is a collaboration between Energetika Ljubljana, Slovenian LNG producer Enos LNG and Spanish construction company HAM Group.

The LNG mobile station is part of the cHAMeleon project, funded by the European Commission, through the Executive Agency for Innovation and Networks (INEA), to boost the implementation of the LNG refuelling infrastructure network in the European Union and promote the growth of the LNG market in the road transport sector.

Zoran Janković, Mayor of Ljubljana, Sofia Papantoniadou, representative of INEA (Innovation and Networks Executive Agency), Klemen Potisek, Secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure, ENOSLNG and ENERGETIKA representatives, HAM engineers and managers were present at the inauguration of the LNG mobile station on November 30th, 2017.



S prijavo na e- novice soglašate, da Javno podjetje Energetika Ljubljana, d.o.o. uporabi vaš elektronski naslov za namene obveščanja o novostih, ponudbi, splošnih informacijah, povezanih z dejavnostjo, ki jo izvaja Javno podjetje Energetika Ljubljana, d.o.o., dogodkih, nagradnih igrah in drugih aktualnih zadevah ter poslovnih informacijah ter da izvaja analize o branju poslanih vsebin za lastne potrebe. Vaše osebne podatke (ime, priimek in elektronski naslov) Javno podjetje Energetika Ljubljana, d.o.o. lahko obdeluje do preklica vaše privolitve.


Hkrati ste s prijavo na e-novice seznanjeni, da se iz sistema obveščanja (e-novic) lahko kadarkoli odjavite preko povezave, ki bo v vsakem sporočilu.


Javno podjetje Energetika Ljubljana, d.o.o. se zavezuje, da elektronskega naslova ne bo posredoval, posodil ali prodal tretji osebi, brez predhodnega obvestila in pridobitve pisnega soglasja posameznika, in da bo vaše osebne podatke skrbno varoval v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov. S prijavo ste seznanjeni, da Energetika Ljubljana, d.o.o. lahko uporablja zunanji novičarski servis skladno s pravili slednjega (npr. mailChimp) in podatke hrani v oblaku.


Osebne podatke o posamezniku/ici bo Javno podjetje Energetika Ljubljana, d.o.o. obdeloval zgolj v okviru zgoraj naštetih namenov zbiranja.
